“Over 2.1 million hectares, the area cultivated organically in Italy has doubled in a decade, driven by the consumption of Italians increasingly in search of natural products and linked to the land, especially after the Covid pandemic”.
If in Europe the share of organic cultivated land is only about 9% of the total, in Italy the situation is much better: the same share is around 17.4%. The Belpaese is in fact the world leader in this respect and is well in line with the objectives set by the European Union, i.e. to increase European organic areas to 25% by 2030. There are more than 86,000 organic farms in Italy and four regions have already reached the above-mentioned targets, a good eight years ahead of the deadline.
This phenomenon is supported by the trust Italians place in organic products; in fact, 1 in 5 consumers regularly buy these products and are willing to pay a higher price. 13% believe they will bring more organic goods to the table in the near future. This trend is certainly driven by health reasons, but the territory of origin and the guarantees of certification also play an important role.
“Organic farming fits right into the Made in Italy agri-food model supported by Coldiretti, which is already strongly characterised by its focus on quality, consumer health and environmental protection. Themes and objectives that, precisely in organic farming, find their full definition. Organic farms represent an important part of the path of valorisation of Italian agriculture”.
Source: Wine News