“Italian agri-food exports, in the first half of 2023, are close to 32 billion euros in value, marking a growth of 8.6%, despite international tensions”.
These are the figures from the Coldiretti analysis, which show that the growth in Italian exports of agrifood products has doubled compared to that recorded in the same period last year.
The final and main markets for Italian agri-food products are France, which saw a 15.5% increase in imports of Made in Italy products, Great Britain, with +12.6%, and Germany, with +11.6%. The latter, according to Coldiretti, is still the main destination for Italian agri-food products.
Leading the way among the Made in Italy products most in demand abroad is wine, followed by fresh fruit and vegetables, pasta, cheese, olive oil and cold cuts.
According to the President of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini, in order to sustain this growth in the coming years, it is necessary to activate a series of measures, such as the unblocking of infrastructures to improve connections between northern and southern Italy and the improvement of rail and sea connections with the rest of the world. It is also crucial to implement and support the internationalization of companies so that they can penetrate new markets and consolidate their presence in those they already cover. The ultimate goal, again according to Coldiretti, is to reach a value of 100 billion euros in 2030 for Italian agrifood exports.
Source: Wine News