Edoardo Freddi, Ceo of FreedL Group, announces the establishment of the new company Sapiens Spirits, dedicated to the export management and promotion of Italian craft spirits in the world.
After having created a successful case history with Edoardo Freddi International, the first Italian export management company in the wine sector, Edoardo Freddi now aims to be the first business accelerator to support Italian Craft Spirits, taking care of their diffusion in international markets. “Our goal is to become a point of reference for the growth of small craft spirits of excellence abroad, taking care of the promotion and sales of the brands, and giving them the opportunity to focus exclusively on production” says Edoardo Freddi.
Sapiens Spirits – part of the FreedL Group – aims to fill a market gap: for years, in fact, the spirits sector has been monopolised by large international brands, which leave little room for small and medium-sized producers. The last decade, however, has seen a resurgence of micro-distilleries that want to distinguish themselves, offering an alternative to the best-known brands with high-end craft products. It is precisely from Italy, home of the best happy hours and iconic aperitifs, that a clientele is expanding that appreciates high-quality drinks and is curious to discover new players.
Sapiens Spirits will be responsible for representing the best Italian spirits on international markets, starting with Eastern European countries, which are experiencing a moment of expansion in the sector, followed by Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In Asia, the most suitable markets for each brand will be selected, while America will be approached thanks to a parterre of established partners.
The customer portfolio, which is still top secret, includes a wide selection, from the timeless and now well-known Italian gins, whose rise in consumption shows no sign of stopping, to the classic and never banal grappas, without forgetting vodkas, vermouths, bitters and bitters, a product type that is constantly evolving.
Thanks to the new company, Edoardo Freddi confirms and further strengthens its mission to promote the best wine-growing realities in the world, widening its gaze also to the world of spirits, as long as they are strictly ‘craft’.