“Slight improvement in wine sales in Italian mass market in the summer months, bringing the cumulative figure for the first 9 months to €2.1 billion, up +3.4%, essentially due to inflation, while volumes recorded a drop of 3.4%, an improvement from -3.9% in the first six months of 2023”.
According to the Osservatorio UIV-Ismea, consumers remain very cautious in their purchasing choices on the shelves: they prefer to buy wines on promotion or entry level wines; they no longer focus on premium wines or the best known appellations such as Chianti and Prosecco.
In these first nine months of the year, plastic formats and bag-in-boxes performed very well in mass market aisles, for all types of wine, both denomination and common ones. According to NielsenIQ data, white and rosé wines in this timeframe performed better in terms of quantity than red wines, which saw a drop of -4.8%.
Despite a +2.6% increase in value, we are, in fact, witnessing a 3.9% drop in volume for still wines and the main denomination wines. Positive signs for sparkling wines (+0.6% in volume and +6.2% in value with 455 million euro), Vermentino di Sardegna with +4% in volume, Puglia Igp with +2%, Cannonau with +3% and Soave with +5%.
Source: Wine News