The first quarter of 2024 is positive for the export of Italian wine: 1.84 billion euros, +3.8% on 2023. This data bodes well but should not divert too much attention from the challenges that there may be during the year. According to ISTAT data, the three Italian “giants” have had different results: the opener-row remains the Veneto with +5.7% (on 2023) and 663,3 million euros; Tuscany has recorded a +5.1% (on 2023) and 281,9 million euros; in little decrease, Piedmont with -1,9% (on 2023) and 266,2 million euros.
Nationally, the UIV reports a growth of 3.1% in the volume of Italian wine exported. The fluctuation divided in categories show: sparkling wines at +7.3% (on 2023); still whites at +2.7%; semi-sparkling wines at +12.2% (on 2023) and red PDO at +2.8% (on 2023). The average prices are not growing and this show there is no intention to economically compensate for the poor productivity of last year, on the part of the market.
“The economic context still requires the utmost attention – said the president of Uiv, Lamberto Frescobaldi – we believe that companies should continue to monitor the markets in this very fluid phase, but also the price lists, because our long-term goal remains the improvement of the Made in Italy wine positioning. At the same time, UIV is convinced that strategic investments in promotion, innovation and restructuring of vineyards are crucial”.
Source: Winenews